
For this project, I had the opportunity to design an app that helps users find great places to drink in Oslo. The app was created to provide users with a fun and easy way to explore the city's vibrant social life, and to help them discover new and exciting places to enjoy drinks with friends.

To create the app, I focused on designing a simple and intuitive user interface that would make it easy for users to navigate and find what they're looking for. I used a clean and modern design aesthetic, with a color scheme that reflects the energy and excitement of the social scene in Oslo.

Make it

To start the design process, I conducted extensive research to understand the needs and preferences of our target audience. I used this information to create user personas and scenarios, which helped me to design an app that would meet the needs of our users and provide them with a great user experience. Next, I created wireframes of the app's user interface, which helped me to visualize the layout and flow of the app. I worked closely with the development team to ensure that the wireframes accurately reflected the app's functionality and that the user interface was intuitive and easy to use.


One of the key features of the app is its search function, which allows users to filter results by location, type of drink, and other criteria. This helps users to quickly find the best places to go based on their preferences and interests. Another important aspect of the app is its social features, which allow users to connect with friends and share their experiences. Users can create profiles, add friends, and leave reviews and comments on their favorite places. This helps to create a sense of community and encourages users to explore new places and experiences.


Hardline soft colors


Pallet builder - Desktop